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Dr. Jacobs literally touches the lives of hundreds of people every week. We all know that he is a skilled healer, but we also want you to know a little bit more about the remarkable people that come to Carlsbad Wellness Chiropractic to improve their health.


Adorable Baby C, born in December 2023, had her moms worried. She is perfect in every way and looks just like her big brother. The problem was that no matter when she nursed, how much, breast or bottle, she kept throwing up. They tried burping her “every ounce that she consumed and she still puked up all over!”, said mom, Natali. “Even putting her in the car seat she always threw up. It didn’t matter if she had eaten recently or not.” Baby C’s pretty little face would scrunch up showing how uncomfortable she was. Her parents were worried that she might need surgery like her brother had when he was a toddler.

The doctors said that they were overfeeding her but that didn’t seem right to Baby C’s moms. A medical doctor prescribed acid reflux medication for her tiny tummy and that didn’t seem good either. So, Baby C got her first adjustments with Dr. Jacobs. The difference was “night and day!” smiles Natali.

No longer on medications, Baby C sleeps through the night and keeps her meals down. Natali said she met another mom recently who took her baby to a chiropractor for the same problem. Both babies are doing well. Natali appreciated the validation that “she wasn’t crazy” to take her newborn to a chiropractor.

When your spine is well, your body can do what it is designed to do – from the day that you are born. Whether your children are babies or nearly grown, it’s not crazy to take them to Dr. Jacobs. Taking care of their health is the most sane thing you can do for them.